These ‘Sending Blessings’ are crafted by Rev. David Hazeldine and spoken over the congregation at the end of the Sunday services that he leads. They send us out for the week ahead in the truth of God’s word, built up in faith to bring blessings where ever we go. They are purely from scripture, retaining the meaning of their original context whilst being applied to the coming week. They are not magic, and nothing is automatic about saying them. However, the word of God is extremely powerful, creating life and health and giving hope and defeating darkness. So where these living words are spoken out loud over your life by faith and humbly accepted in your heart, God’s life can come into our lives and to the lives of those around us!
And remember: Blessings are not affirmations of our good lives, they are affirmations of His good life upon ours
Be blessed!
Sending Blessing: Resurrection hope (1 Peter 1:3-5, Eph 1:18-21, 1 Cor 15:58)
This week, because of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead:
You are born again by God’s great mercy
This new life is a gift from Him to you
This week you live in certain hope of an eternal inheritance
Your inheritance will never
perish, spoil or fade
And God is shielding you through
your faith until you receive your
inheritanceSo nothing you do in the Lord’s service this week will be in vain
You will impact people’s lives for eternity
Because the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in you!Amen!
Sending Blessing: Encouragement to press on (Philippians 2:12-14)
Until you obtain the resurrection of the dead in Christ:
May you not consider yourselves to have yet taken hold of perfection
May you forget what is in the past and not be bogged down, held back or tripped up by it
May you strain towards what is ahead with every sinew of your being
May you press on to win the prize God has called you to win
And so I bless you this morning with a heavenly mindedness to this endAnd everyone said…Amen!
Sending Blessing: Keep you from falling (Jude 24-25)
During my week and beyond God is able to keep me from falling.
He keeps me from unbelief and fear,
He keeps me looking outward and open to others,
He keeps me free of discouragement, doubt and concern.His aim is to present me before His glorious presence without fault, blemish or wrinkle
and with considerable and immensely great joy.Glory, majesty, power and authority comes to God through the work of Jesus in and through my life.
He will do this work in me during this coming week and beyond, to the completion of my earthly life, and forever.Amen!
Sending Blessing (Joshua 1)
God swears to me that:
As I carefully live out His words
As I speak His words
As I repetitiously dream about them day and night;
He will give me every place where I set my foot
So I’m strong and courageousMy places, possessions and properties will only extend
No-one will be able to stand against me all the days of my life
So I’m strong and courageousI will lead others to inherit their destinies
I will be prosperous and successful wherever I go
So I’m strong and courageousHe will be as close to me as is possible for me to take
He will never leave me nor forsake me
He will be with me wherever my life takes you
So I won’t know fear or discouragement
So I’m strong and am very courageousAmen!
New Year Blessing (John 15, Hebrews 12)
This year I will have a fruitful year, because:
My Father is the gardener of my life
I did not choose Him but He chose me
And He appoints me to go and bear lasting fruit!This year I will know increasing fruitfulness, because:
God is my loving Father who disciplines me as His child
He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit
And He prunes every branch in me that’s already bearing fruit so it will be even more fruitful!This year I may ask whatever I wish and it will be given me, because:
Jesus is the vine and I am one of His branches
I remain in Him & He remains in me
The words He has spoken to me have made me clean
And because God glorifies Himself through answered prayer!Amen!
Christmas Blessing (Matthew’s Story)
By faith Christ is born in me this day
Jesus has saved me from my sins and His work in my life has been conceived by the Holy Spirit
I am by no means least because Immanuel is with me every day this week.Jesus, The Shepherd of God’s people, is guiding me each day
May His angels inspire my dreams and His words stir my faith
May I be led to those who want to worship the one born ‘King of the Jews’
May they see His star over my life and make a careful search for HimJesus, the Ruler of God’s people, is ruling my life this week
As I bow down before Him He accepts the gift of my life
This week He enables me to give the best of my gifts, in the best way,
to the best of my ability as if I were giving it to the LordAmen!