Our vision is for ‘social and spiritual transformation in Belvedere, Bexley, Britain and beyond’! If you have a passion to see the good news of Jesus Christ transform the community then we have some great opportunities to enable you to do that. Please contact us if you’d like to find out more.
The Refresh Centre
Currently open to the public on Saturday mornings from 10 am – 12 pm, it is used during the week by a Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Job Club (run by church members); and other projects run in partnership with local organisations. For example, it recently hosted a 12-week pilot project run jointly by the Upton Centre, Charlton Football Club, Evergreen Care Bexley and the church which made a significant difference in the lives of adults recovering from depression and anxiety. Discussions are underway to continue this project.
Healing on the Streets
Every Saturday morning, a select group of church members led by Brian Mansfield, offer prayer to those in need from our car park in the high street of Nuxley Village.
Healing on the Streets
Evergreen Care Bexley
Founded by church members Peter and Diane Kot, this project is a multi-church endeavour reaching out to the elderly in Bexley in many different ways, including a befriending scheme.
Everygreen Care
CAP Job Club
Your local CAP Job Club is a friendly place where you will get practical help as you seek employment. It’s a relaxed environment with the chance to meet other jobseekers, get support and gain the tools you need to find work.
CAP Job Club
International Mission
The church currently supports one of its members, Heather Andrews, who is combining a flourishing musical career with mission work in India.
Heather Andrews